Case Study: Adrian Fowler

How Adrian Fowler Landed First Dream 100 Client?

From Agency Grind to Entrepreneurial Triumph:  This is Adrian’s Journey to $60K in 3 Months, $80K Lined Up, and a Dream 100 Client on Board!

Adrian, an Australian entrepreneur, transitioned from agency work to establish his own business, driven by a desire for improved work-life balance. Approaching the venture with a positive mindset, he embraced a structured program, achieving $60K in three consecutive months and securing an additional $80K in upcoming deals.

Implementing effective recruitment practices by our Recruiter Accelerator Program, Adrian successfully on boarded his first Dream 100 client, filling 13 roles. The invaluable guidance from our Accelerator Program equipped him with the right strategies, connecting him with a network of seasoned professionals and proven systems.

That’s why mentorship is so important.

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Adrian has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Adrian can make this happen for his business, then so can you.

Adrian Fowler
, Australia

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