Case Study: Brenda Armstrong

Brenda created a $300k Agency while working only 3 days a week

Brenda created a $300k Agency while working only 3 days a week

THIS is how Brenda created a $300k Agency whilst only working 3 days a week – EMPOWERING her with the correct tool, systems and guidance to create her agency.

Brenda is an owner of Idioms Digital Technology partners company based in Colorado, U.S specializing in Digital Technology. She joined our Recruiter Accelerator program in September last year and quit her job as an Account Manager to become a successful owner of a $300K agency, with her greatest achievement securing a $25K placement and another $60K placement lined up for the end of the year. 

Brenda’s biggest challenge, in her own words, was: “Where do I start?” It was the transition from her job to BECOME a successful business owner, as she was seeking autonomy, independence and creativity in her personal career. 

Solution: Brenda had to ensure that she had autonomy, independence and creativity in her personal career as she felt she had to escape her 9-5 grind. 

Her main FOCUS was working for HERSELF and for her family so she could have a healthy work-life balance. With us, Brenda jump started her business and sustained her growth! 

What Happened?: With my Recruiter Accelerator program, Brenda was able to gain access to systems, tools and guidance. My program provided her the support to implement and become part of a collaborative group of other entrepreneurs that are on similar journeys. 

Therefore, with Brenda’s right mindset and our support, collaborative teams and mentorship, Brenda seamlessly stepped into taking ownership of her professional career and becoming a successful agency owner. 

That’s why mentorship is so important.

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Brenda has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Brenda can make this happen for her business, then so can you.

Brenda Armstrong
Digital Technology
Colorado, US

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