Case Study: Brian Kelly Mor

Brian got 12 new jobs and a candidate through our systems to fill a €12k placement!

Brian got 12 new jobs and a candidate through our systems to fill a €12k placement!

Brian secured a new client, a unique opportunity that wouldn’t have come through his conventional strategies. His client entrusted him with 12 job openings. Potentially resulting in fees of approximately €17K. Brian swiftly progressed through the placement process, including CV submission, interview coordination, and contract finalization. He then submitted three more candidates for their other open positions. 

Within just 7 weeks of joining my Recruitment Accelerator Program, Brian gained a valuable new client, secured a candidate for one of their roles, and expanded his involvement with additional candidates for their other job openings. This highlights the program’s effectiveness in diversifying his clientele and enhancing his recruitment capabilities.

That’s why mentorship is so important

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Brian has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator Program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Brian can make this happen for his business, then so can you.

Brian Kelly Mor
Market - SAP, automotive - US/Canada/Japan/ Germany
Penzance, UK

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