Case Study: Mehul Sharma

The Best Recruitment Mindset for Maximizing Growth and Profit

Mehul started her recruitment agency, White Jobs, in Canada in August 2017, primarily because she wanted to establish strong relationships with candidates and provide better treatment for temporary workers.

THIS is how Mehul grew her business in the 4-5 months that she spent with James as her mentor.

Mehul is the CEO of White Jobs, a recruitment agency based in Vancouver, Canada, specialising in Logistics and Supply Chain, Management, Sales and more. Mehul was one of the first people to enroll into the Recruiter Accelerator program.

In her first year, Mehul was working long hours and handling various tasks on her own, including payroll, bookkeeping, interviews, and client outreach.


Solution: Mehul had to focus on the positive impact of automating certain processes, using CRM software effectively, and implementing proven strategies for client acquisition.

Working with James and the Recruiter Accelerator program helped Mehul streamline her business operations, manage her workload more effectively, and reduce stress and burnout. She highlighted the importance of having a mentor who understood her journey and could provide guidance and emotional support.

Mehul emphasized that mindset and emotional well-being are crucial aspects of success. She learned to handle challenging situations more calmly and focus on the bigger picture.

What Happened?: With my Recruiter Accelerator program, under our guidance, Mehul acquired the essential skills required to effectively implement successful business strategies, ensuring the ongoing growth of her company! 

With Mehul’s faith and trust in my program, paired with our support, strategies, and platforms for networking with like minded individuals, she was able to secure 2 new clients and 9 new job openings from her current clients.


That’s why mentorship is so important.

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Mehul has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Mehul can make this happen for her business, then so can you.

Mehul Sharma
Logistics and Supply Chain, Management, Sales and more...
Vancouver, Canada

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