Case Study: Jack Phillips Jacovides

Jack has 3 calls booked with CEOs as a result of Email Automation!

THIS is how Jack had 3 calls booked with CEOs through Email automation. 

As a result of GMass campaign, He secured three calls with CEOs, and have scheduled follow-up meetings to support their hiring plans later this year. Additionally, he is expecting to receive two job requirements next week once internal fee discussions are completed.

As part of our recruitment accelerator program, Jack got significant outcomes from his Gmass campaign, showcasing the effectiveness of our innovative approach. Furthermore, a hiring manager at a blue-chip company reached out a month after receiving a Loom video Jack sent, expressing interest in discussing the candidate he described.

That’s why mentorship is so important

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Jack has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator Program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Jack can make this happen for his business, then so can you!

Jack Phillips Jacovides
Life Sciences (in Boston)
Kent, UK

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