Case Study: Jazz Kandola

How did Jaz go From 10k/mo to 50k/mo?

THIS is how Jazz learned about going step-by-step through the processes to make sure that he achieved the success he wanted!

Jazz is a recruitment agency owner based in Leeds, UK, specializing in IT, Sales and Engineering. His business had been running for a while but he felt that he was in a loop of repeated trial and error and wasn’t making the right progress.

In his own words, “When I started the course just prior to Christmas, I had some ideas about automation but lacked a concrete plan.” Before Jazz joined our Recruiter Accelerator Program, he had an idea of what had to be done to ensure his agency achieved steady growth. The only thing he was missing out on was how to go about making the right plan and making sure that he had the systems and processes in place to ensure attractive results. 

After joining the Program, he decided to focus on client-side build-out with two domains. “I hired a VA for lead generation, targeting a specific sub-niche and achieving good results. We connect with people and follow up with emails, which has been effective. The candidate attraction system has helped me acquire more candidates than before.”

“We went from earning 10k a month in October-December to 106k this year. I aim for 50k months and have a promising pipeline.”

As much of an expert as you may be in your market, in the same way doctors can’t self-diagnose themselves, it is more difficult for entrepreneurs to IDENTIFY the weak links of their businesses and to follow the right processes and automation to optimize their agency.


That’s why mentorship is so important.

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Jazz has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Jazz can make this happen for his business, then so can you.

Jazz Kandola
IT - Sales & Engineering
Leeds, UK

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