Case Study: Lindsay Olson

Lindsay made 3 placements in 4 business days totalling 50k!

THIS is how Lindsay made 3 placements in only 4 business days which totaled to 50K – She and her recruiting team has experienced a significant transformation! Additionally, she has generated the potential for over $200,000 in revenue from candidates and this figure continues to grow daily!

My Recruitment Accelerator Program played a pivotal role for Lindsay who hails from the field of Communications and PR and her agency is located in the US, by providing her team with valuable tools, resources, and strategies, it enabled her to streamline her recruiting process and significantly enhance their agency’s efficiency. Furthermore, the program equipped her with effective sourcing techniques, allowing her to tap into a growing pool of potential candidates, potentially generating over $200,000 in revenue from ongoing processes. 

Overall, the Recruitment Accelerator program has been instrumental in optimizing Lindsay’s recruitment efforts and achieving these remarkable results!

That’s why mentorship is so important

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Lindsay has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator Program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Lindsay can make this happen for her business, then so can you.


Lindsay Olson
Communications / PR
, US

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