Case Study: Maarten Zethoven

How Maarten hit 55k in one month with the Recruiter Accelerator Program?

THIS is how Maarten hit EUR 55,000 in the first few weeks of joining the Recruiter Accelerator Program! 

Maarten, who joined the Recruiter Accelerator Program less than a month ago, shared his positive experience with the program. Initially, he had doubts about investing in it, especially since he came from a traditional recruitment background. However, he decided to take the leap of faith and invest in the program.

In his own words, “So far, my recommendation is to take that leap of faith, invest in yourself and really learn the Program.”

So far, Maarten has had unbelievable success, generating around EUR 55,000 in approximately four to five weeks. He attributed this success to the major clients he acquired through our program. In the video, he has really emphasized the accountability that he has gotten from our Recruiter Accelerator Program.

Maarten expressed his ambition to grow his business to a consistent EUR 100,000 per month. To achieve this, he plans to hire virtual assistants and marketing resources to transition into a business owner role. Thanks to James’ program and his mentorship, Maarten will soon be able to achieve his goals and hit that coveted EUR 100,000 mark!

In conclusion, Maarten highly recommends the program, emphasizing the importance of investing in oneself and fully engaging with the program’s resources and support to achieve success.


That’s why mentorship is so important.

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Maarten has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Maarten can make this happen for his business, then so can you.

Maarten Zethoven
Amsterdam, Netherlands

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