Case Study: Reyna Martinez

How Reyna Martinez Earns More While Working Less In Her Recruitment Agency

Check out today’s interview with Reyna who runs her own Recruitment Agency for the past 3 years.

Reyna shares her journey since joining the Recruiter Accelerator program and how she managed to Automate and Delegate her recruitment agency to a point where she works Less in the business than ever before while doubling her revenue.

Reyna Martinez – “Too good to be true”

Reyna’s agency is based in California, specialising in HR recruitment from administrative assistants all the way up to HR directors or executives. This began during the unprecedented circumstances of Covid-19… So with a lot of uncertainty.

Reyna wanted to focus specifically on HR initiatives as she hadn’t seen much specialisation in this field. The lightbulb moment began in 2019 for Reyna with no desire to have previously wanted to be a business owner before!

As Reyna says, she was just an employee looking for an opportunity to be a part of “The people business”.
Reyna’s toughest challenge, like many new agencies experience, was being unsure as to whether she could fill the orders, due to frequent cancellations in the first year.

Having people skills and recruitment was not enough… Automation systems needed to be learnt so she wasn’t glued to her desk.


Reyna needed the time to learn business acumen as she had little to no experience in running a business and couldn’t do this when she was trying to focus purely on recruiting day in and day out.

Time needed to be made …

Not only for the agency but for Reyna. She wanted to focus on her family and dance hobbies.

What happened next? With my Recruiter Accelerator Program, Reyna was able to implement a proven automation system, maximizing HR recruitment and allowing Reyna to have freedom.

Reyna says:

“I learned to move away from the old mentality of always having to close deals and in turn trusting in what I offer with lighter approaches than hard selling.”

Without the relevant tools and knowledge of what different systems make processes 10x easier and time reducing, Reyna would not have been able to bypass the first year in running her own agency.

This is exactly why mentorship is important.

The mistakes have already been made for you. You do not have to make those same mistakes.

The future is Reyna’s. The future can be yours.


Grow your recruitment agency using automation and systems to create a self-managing recruitment search firm.

Reyna Martinez
HR Recruitment
California, US

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