Case Study: Ryan Garratt

Ryan has a Busy Week Ahead: 3 Jobs, 3 New LinkedIn Clients, one 100 Dream client call!

Ryan has a Busy Week Ahead: 3 Jobs, 3 New LinkedIn Clients, one 100 Dream client call!

Ryan got three job assignments from two different clients as soon as he joined James’ program. Additionally, three clients have adopted LinkedIn automation, and he is making another call to reach out to his 100 dream clients.

My Recruitment Accelerator Program helped Ryan streamline recruitment, benefiting job seekers with skill development, efficient hiring processes and cost savings. It’s a win-win for both sides!

That’s why mentorship is so important.

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Ryan has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Ryan can make this happen for his business, then so can you.

Ryan Garratt
Toronto, Canada

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