Case Study: Sandro Dhorne

How Sandro Quit His Job and Made $300k in His 1st Year!


How Sandro Quit His Job and Made $300k in His 1st Year!


THIS is how Sandro made over $300k in his first year with the Recruiter Accelerator program – AUTOMATING his processes and scaling his business!


Sandro is a recruitment agency owner based in The Netherlands, specializing in Developers and IT Personnel. He joined our Recruiter Accelerator program in February and quit his job to become a successful agency owner with over $300k in his first year.

His biggest challenge, like many agency owners, was to jumpstart his business and to ensure that the processes were efficient and automated so that he could focus on SCALING his business and not be stuck in a loop.


Sandro wanted to be in a position where he could be laser-focused on the client side and then the candidate side and really drill down on what was important to him.


Solution: Sandro had to ensure that he could be independent and on his own to really be able to focus on his agency and see where he could take it in the future.


What Happened?: With my Recruiter Accelerator program, Sandro was able to implement a proven automation system that enhanced his processes, productivity and helped him scale and achieve the independence that he always wanted.

In Sandro’s own words, “All I can say is, join the Program. It has really helped me focus and drill down on what I needed to do.”


As much of an expert as you may be in your market, in the same way doctors can’t self-diagnose themselves, it is more difficult for entrepreneurs to IDENTIFY the weak links of their businesses.


That’s why mentorship is so important.

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Sandro has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Sandro can make this happen for his business, then so can you.

Sandro Dhorne
Developers/IT personnel
The Randstad, Netherlands

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