Case Study: Thom De Koning

How Thom hit 120k in three months with the Recruiter Accelerator Program?

How Thom hit 120k in three months with the Recruiter Accelerator Program?

THIS is how Thom, an agency owner in the field of Engineering and Finance based in Holland, Netherlands hit 120K in three months – Against all odds, Thom set out to achieve the incredible: 100K in 6 months.

Only possible, with the unwavering support of James, he soared past expectations, conquering a staggering 120K in just 3 months! A triumph beyond imagination, a testament to dedication and teamwork.

In Thom’s own words “Thank you, James, for making the impossible possible!”

What Happened?: With my Recruiter Accelerator Program, Thom had access to industry experts and a collaborative team, receiving guidance, strategies, and streamlined recruitment tools. Through my program, he received the necessary support to secure targets efficiently while upholding quality and satisfying clients.

That’s why mentorship is so important

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Thom has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator Program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Thom can make this happen for his business, then so can you.

Thom De Koning
Engineering & Finance
The Hague, Netherlands

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