Case Study: Vincent Boeckeler

Vincent from Germany makes over 800k in his Recruitment Agency Using Systems and Automation

Vincent from Germany makes over 800k in his Recruitment Agency Using Systems and Automation

THIS is how Vincent made over $800k in his first year with the Recruiter Accelerator program – AUTOMATING his systems and processes and scaling his business!


Vincent is a recruitment agency co-owner based in Munich, Germany, specializing in Technology Recruitment. He joined our Recruiter Accelerator program to make sure that all their processes, especially the sales process, were sorted. This led to his agency making over $800k in his 12 months.

His biggest challenge, like many agency owners, was to scale his business after feeling like he hit a brick wall. Initially, they did not have problems with getting their first clients in and having success.

Vincent wanted his company to be in a position where they could scale their business, keep new clients coming in, and also provide their teams with new roles for continuous growth. He was also struggling with business development which meant that each month was unpredictable.

Solution: Vincent aimed to achieve business scalability, consistent client acquisition, and continual team growth while resolving the issue of unpredictable monthly business development.

What Happened?: With my Recruiter Accelerator program, Vincent was able to automate his sales process, he managed to structure his weeks and months better and also outsource some of his tasks which meant he could focus on his core goals and where he really brings value to at Baldur Connect.

In Vincent’s own words, “At times we had to turn off our automation tools because we got too much business coming in.” 

As much of an expert as you may be in your market, in the same way doctors can’t self-diagnose themselves, it is more difficult for entrepreneurs to IDENTIFY the weak links of their businesses.


That’s why mentorship is so important.

Learning from my mistakes will help you sidestep the growing pains you might encounter alone.

As Vincent has achieved from my Recruiter Accelerator program, you can massively streamline your processes to become a lean agency owner.

If Vincent can make this happen for his business, then so can you.

Vincent Boeckler
Technology Recruitment
Munich, Germany

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